Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

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Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by bmasten »

Not from lack of interest though! Trying to get one of the 2 on my bench semi ready for Xmas. FInish won't be done, but that's ok. I'm hung up on the mortise and tenon cutting on the neck and body, and the neck's truss rod and shaping. Spent a slow month getting over the nasty fly bug that was flying around here and now am under the gun to get this ready for my brother in laws present. I've made plenty of mistakes and they've all been correctable more or less. Got VERY frustrated with the Woolson Neck Jig plans and now have a much better set thanks to a friend to work from, although that means pretty much scrapping my current jig's process almost completely. I've been really pleased to do all the work so far myself, but I think I'm just about ready to raise the white flag, give Jim Hall a call across town and see if he's interested in some mentoring in exchange for a bottle of Glenlivet...

Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by deadedith »

You are out of luck - luthiers don't drink or cuss.
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Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by Tony_in_NYC »

There are two schools of motivational thought. One, is to beat the person over the head, degrade them, make them feel bad for not finishing the job, etc.
The second school of thought is to nurture the person and congratulate them for what they have accomplished so far. To praise each little step towards the ultimate goal.
So, with that in mind, I give you this:

bmasten, you have done a great job so far getting your guitar built. You are so close to the finish line, I bet you can almost taste it. Break down the final steps into smaller steps and tackle each of them one by one. Before you know it, you will be stringing up and strumming your lazy maggot!! Just get off the couch you lazy sack of meat and be a man!!! Nothing great has ever happened by accident! MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!

Hope that helped. For me, when I built my first, I was in a bit of a race to see how quickly I could complete the guitar. So I worked late into the night, weekends, when my wife and kid were napping. Any time I could find to do guitar stuff, I was doing guitar stuff. To the point that I actually did not play while I was building. And trust me, I need the practice time. Badly. If you get that mortise and tenon out of the way, the rest is a cake walk. So get off the computer and go set up that jig and make some saw dust!
As Bluto said in Animal House, "Was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?"
Well I say "No" it wasnt over then, and it isnt over now. Go bmasten, GO!!! Build like the wind!
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Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by naccoachbob »

Tony, that brought tears to my eyes.
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Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by Tony_in_NYC »

Of laughter, joy, disgust over the state of the human race (I am including myself as human) or because of the intensely inspirational message?
Kevin Sjostrand
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Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by Kevin Sjostrand »

YEAH! And go out and win one for the Gipper!
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Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by Tony_in_NYC »

I wonder if our messages worked.

Re: Need a motivational kick in the rear here...

Post by bmasten »

Been busy with work the past couple days so minimal shop time. Tonight I'm going to break out the table saw and cut the truss rod slot. I was going to use my router, but it's a Skil with matching router table (read: POS). Got them out, found out my 1/4" bit is WAY too long for this set up and there is an EXCESSIVE amount of slop in the router no matter how I tighten it. So added a real router ( probably one with plunge capability this time) and a real router table to my ever growing list of things I've got to purchase at some point.
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