Dulcitar Build

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Dulcitar Build

Post by padma »

Latest build

So me went and dropped an amp on me dulcitar...weeping, crying and gnashing of teeths...
Figuring it be faster to build a new one than rebuild the old one, which is now wall decoration, so me build dis...


- Hemlock arch top Cedar wishbone construction...dudes that means the neck and ribs (sides to you neophytes) are all one piece.
- 25.20 inch sting length
- 2 octaves of frets, cantilevered from the 14th...thats a 5.5 inch cantilever dudes. She be light as a feather and just a delicate. The recurves are about .085 ~ thin eh...not sumpthin to be lettin the grand kids pluck on eh! laughing6-hehe
- 5 string, 3 courses. aA e AA
- Diatonic fretting. ( Means the ones you don't need aren't there) simple eh! bliss
- Cedar arched back and Hemlock top (that means they was hand carved from 1.5 inch book matched bolts me logged a few years way back long time ago.
- Trevor G. gonna love dis part... squiggly "parallel" braces to navigate around the trumpet bells oval sound hole. Ya you read that right.
- Insencio fretboard and head stock...yup she smells real pretty dudes...just like me sweetie!
- Some sort of cheap recycled hog banding me ripped from them tackie louvered folding closet doors they useta made back in the 60's
- African Black Wood trim details, nut, heal, tailpiece.
- Lilac (syringa vulgaris) bridge topped with ebony. Don't know whats more bitter tasting hops or lilac.
- Assorted sizes of round ballony inlays on the neck, head, back, ribs and cutaway (Really great way to hide booboos)


Yup the oval sound hole bells out like a trumpet and the cutaway corner got ballonied.


Lilac gots a lotta twist in her...that bridge is the natural twist in the wood. Nice bit of sap wood in that African eh.


Little bit of lotus petal carving...sort of a signature carving of me name sake ~ "Padma" or "lotus flower" in Hindi.



Pretty blue sky eh.



These Ping tuners are most highly recommended by duh Padma...cheap like borscht...like about $10 a set and believe me dudes they really hold up well. Better than some of them high end "stay tites" on the market.. Even Fender used or may even still be using Pings.

Like me said...dis one is mine...so me slapped on some oil, wiped her down, strung her up, twisted up a few bottles and let her rip.
She be an A1 superlative first class act me got here this time...sonically she be one of me very bestes builds...very light and bubbly just like the abalone bubbles all over her.....ya me happy and one day me gonna get around to posting a sound clip...but not today.

Hope you likes it.

duh ?adma

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Re: Dulcitar Build

Post by johnnparchem »

Very nice, I had not heard of a dolcitar, I see that it could be fun to play; no bad notes! All life in harmony.
Diane Kauffmds
Posts: 3267
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Re: Dulcitar Build

Post by Diane Kauffmds »

Another beautiful instrument. I can tell that you really enjoy building these works of art.
Diane Kauffmann
Country Roads Guitars
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