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Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:50 pm
by Red Dogg
I suppose this is where I should start. I've already read quite a few of the posts on various subjects on this forum, but have yet to request or offer any help. I did, however, try responding to a thread, and it never appeared, so will try this.

I'm fixin' to start my 1st kit, a StewMac that my kids bought me for my birthday...a 1933 pre-war OM.

I've never done any instrument making, but have a very well equipped woodshop and a fair-modicum of skills, though I've already figured that I will need to acquire or build a few specialty tools. Fortunately, my town has a luthier program in the high school and a couple of my woodworking guild buddies have connections that might allow me to borrow or use some of the schools' major items such as the binding jig.

Wish me luck,
Red Dogg

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:42 am
by tippie53
welcome you will find we will be happy to help and share what we learned

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:39 am
by Danl8
Welcome Red Dogg! This site and its members -- a perfect companion for that first build (and successive builds, too). Have you started that 1933 OM kit yet?

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:21 am
by Diane Kauffmds
Hi new (old) guy! I'm an older (old) member. Haha. Welcome to the forum. Have fun and don't be shy about asking questions.


Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:40 am
by Morecowbell
Welcome! Sounds like you've got a good start and some good resources close at hand which should come in handy. I think the kit will serve you well - I started from scratch and while I don't regret it at all, its a longer road. This forum is a great resource - great folks and very patient with us newbs!

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:23 pm
by Red Dogg, I haven't started the kit yet. I think my son just ordered it yesterday. Oh, and then there's always the fact that my shop is taken over with a furniture project right now, and will be for another couple weeks.

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 1:49 pm
by Skarsaune
Red Dogg, I haven't started the kit yet. I think my son just ordered it yesterday. Oh, and then there's always the fact that my shop is taken over with a furniture project right now, and will be for another couple weeks.
Welcome! I'm on #6 or 7 now, it's addicting.

I've also got furniture holding up guitar progress - just finished a walnut/maple door for the guitar room, now it's a hickory farmhouse table and chairs for the dining room.

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:24 pm
by carld05
Howdy Red Dog. Glad you found this place.
I started here back about 2005 with a Martin Jumbo kit and mold from John and Bill Cory's books on building kit guitars. Bill founded this forum. There's a link to those books in the column to the left.
I'm now working on #s 14,15, and 16 with wood from my own property. Yes, I'm addicted (and old).


Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:24 pm
by Red Dogg
Thanks to everyone for the welcome.

I am now well into the kit. Have the kerfing installed and getting ready to glue in the top braces.

In just this short amount of time, I've encountered several discrepancies in the kit instructions that I'm hoping haven't already compromised my project. I'd like to bring some of these to the attention of other beginners but am not sure on which sub-forum to post them.

Any suggestions?

Re: Yet another new (0ld) guy

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:31 am
by carld05
Let us know what your problems are in the Beginner's Questions section below this. I'm sure you will get plenty of good suggestions.