Hi from Oregon!

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Hi from Oregon!

Post by Jhunt »

Hi everyone!

I’m an intermediate woodworker and also a guitar player. The thought of being a luthier is extremely exciting to me. To get my feet wet, I’m planning to build a kit dreadnought. If that goes well, I’ll keep building.

The one challenge is the cost of tools. I already have a lot of woodworking tools, but adding what stewmac recommends quickly added up to another $1350 (just tools, not the guitar kit itself). I’m hoping to come across some alternative tools that I may already have that can accomplish what I need to assemble a kit.
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Re: Hi from Oregon!

Post by carld05 »

Welcome to the forum from another West Coaster. Lots of info for you on this site. I started with a kit from John Hall and got a couple of books from Bill Cory (who started this site). They gave great instructions on kit assembly and building a lot of the tools you need instead of spending a lot at the suppliers. They are available online and would be a great initial investment for you. John has a lot of the tools on his site too, Blues Creek Guitars, and here on the West Coast we have Luthier's Mercantile. If you have basic woodworking tools you can make most of the special tools you need. After 20 years doing this, I'm still coming up with new jigs or fixtures to make. Have Fun!
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Re: Hi from Oregon!

Post by MaineGeezer »

I wouldn't necessarily go by what StewMac recommends. They have tools for every conceivable aspect of guitar building, and those specialized tools can make doing a particular tack quicker and easier, but you can probably manage without them. (Although even the basics may add up to $1350.)
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Re: Hi from Oregon!

Post by Srick »

Welcome J!

Think of the whole affair as a tuition in a do it yourself luthier's course. Think of how much you are saving by NOT going to a 'real' school of luthiery, buying thousands of dollars worth of tools for the course, AND paying room and board.

Doesn't that make you credit card feel better?

Go ahead and jump in. The water is... uh... complex, but swimmable.


And you know there's a YouTube video of a guy in Mexico who builds a guitar only using a machete, right?
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Re: Hi from Oregon!

Post by bftobin »

If you're an intermediate woodworker, you probably have most of the tools needed to build a guitar. People have been building guitars for more years than Stew-Mac has been around. Also, many of the tools they sell can be found elsewhere at better prices. A good start would be to watch John's videos. It'll give you an idea of what you'll need and when you'll need it. You can also get a lot of help here. Remember, there are no 'stupid questions', just stupid mistakes because you didn't ask for help. Oh, and get yourself a good basic book.
Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:41 pm

Re: Hi from Oregon!

Post by Jhunt »

Hi all,

I’m the last year, I relocated to Georgia. I’m on my 4th build now. Hope everyone is doing well.
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