Bridge placement - confusion ;)

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Re: Bridge placement - confusion ;)

Post by MaineGeezer »

Since I missed the correct position the last time I installed on a bridge by at least 1/8", relying on what I say may be a bad idea.


What I do is slot the bridge, install a temporary saddle, set it on the top, and install a string anchored to the tailpin, running over the bridge and centered on the temporary saddle, over the nut, and to a tuner. I tune up the string to a pitch that sounds reasonable, and proceed to check the 12rth fret fretted/harmonic pitch match, sliding the bridge and saddle back and forth on the top until it is correct according to a tuner.

I then mark the bridge location with strips of tape, remove the temporary string, and go through the bridge gluing procedure. (Remove finish from the top in side the taped box, apply gfue, position bridge, clamp, etc.)

In theory, I think that ought to work every time. In practice, I have found that it is not foolproof, especially when the fool (me) has remarkable talent for finding new and ingenious ways to screw something up.
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Re: Bridge placement - confusion ;)

Post by phavriluk »

We're drifting into danger here. Lots of advice. And lots of different ways to do the same job. And there's great hazard in trying to merge them into one. It doesn't end well. Tower of Babel.

I suggest to OP to pick one solution from one source and ignore the rest of us. We all mean well, but we all can't be driving (mixed metaphors, anyone?).

My all-to-recent experience with this stuff, the same luthier gave me four ways to solve the bridge location problem. All will work. Each is different, and none can be mixed with any part of any other solution lest the whole project becomes a big failure. And this from a friend with vast experience, he can do the same job four unique ways. Every one of the techniques will give a correct result. The common thread between them is that the bridges have saddle slots already cut. If the intent is to locate and cut the saddle slot after the bridge is permanently installed, then none of the four techniques will work. Another suite of answers will be mined for answers.
peter havriluk
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Re: Bridge placement - confusion ;)

Post by MaineGeezer »

Another pitfall to trying to use a method outlined in a posting is that it is almost certainly just that -- an outline. Re-reading what I just wrote m I realize that I left out some critical details. Somebody who has put on a bridge before would have no trouble filling them in, probably without consciously thinking about it. But if it's your first bridge, on your first guitar...maybe not.
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