Background - I came across a StewMac 000 kit at a bargain price. This being my second Stewmac build, I wanted to avoid the interior cardboard mold and set out to make an exterior mold. I probably should have ordered the mold ready-made from John, but I do have a thick skull. And I must say, I enjoyed making a lot of sawdust. The process was good preparation for the build as it got me thinking about the order of the build and what new things I hoped to learn. It also was a good opportunity to tune up my machines and organize the shop.
- The good news - the sides of the mold are vertical and symmetrical.
- The bad news - Ater smoothing out the side walls, the mold is a skoche bigger than what the plans called for. At the end of the lower bout, there is a 3/8" gap between the two pre-cut sides.