Using CA Glue on Binding and Purfling

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Re: Using CA Glue on Binding and Purfling

Post by phavriluk »

CA depends on tight fits for strong joints. It doesn't like to gap fill. And don't worry about it finding its way, it's real good at that.

And OP needs to be thoroughly familiar with CA before trying to use it on his guitar. REAL FAMILIAR!
peter havriluk
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Re: Using CA Glue on Binding and Purfling

Post by jread »

Thank you for posting this and all the great replies. I switched to this method after reading this post. I did OK w/ duco before. But the main improvements in finished look came from getting those channels as perfect as possible and sealed. I like thin wash coats of shellac for cleaning between sanding/filing and touch ups. Installing the binding and purfling was far easier with clean channels and no glue. Taped every couple of inches and inspected front and back taped on bindings before putting any glue in. The thin CA runs behind the binding super clean results same day. I was giving duco two days because my waists seem pull off before. I blew some accelerator just on the waist and ends and in one or two spots where the herringbone was giving trouble. It works great but I try not to use it because it turns the CA white instead of clear tho can be sanded away fine.

My fleet of 0's are coming along.

ps. I finally learned how to brush shellac carefully on the white binding if there is any raw rosewood around because it dyes the shellac red and gets everywhere. Scraping is a pain so I painted them w/ shellac 1st and then sealed the wood after final sanding.
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Diane Kauffmds
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Re: Using CA Glue on Binding and Purfling

Post by Diane Kauffmds »

Gluboost accelerator, a great accelerator product, won't make that white hard froth. It also won't hurt finishes. It's least expensive at Rockler. Go down the page to the spray. ... xgQAvD_BwE
Diane Kauffmann
Country Roads Guitars
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