Relative Humidity

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Dave Sayers
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Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:19 am

Re: Relative Humidity

Post by Dave Sayers »

If you live in England pay no regard to humidity questions, The humidity remains fairly constant but I would not work with tonewoods between the end November and early May. Buy a humidity meter and check it out. Thanks to illness and Arthur Itis my latest build has taken months with storms, an extremely hot spell and dry days. The humidity hasd remained constant and there is no sign whatsoever of the wood suffering. At the end of November [or earlier if conditions dictate] I shall bring all construction with tonewoods indoors. Then I will start making laminate acoustic electrics in the unheated workshop. They will not really be affected by the temperature.
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Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:10 pm

Re: Relative Humidity

Post by Mitch »

Not sure how we went from RH to Baltimore to clamps.

I'm also a baltimorean with a dehumidifier in a concrete basement and can recommend the 8" deep C clamps from HF for clamping the bracing to the top and bottom. (if you don't go the go-bar route)

I also built 25 spool clamps to clamp the top and bottom to the sides. (If your using a SM cardboard inner mold). I'm fixin to glue on the back (this month?), but if you can wait, you are welcomed to borrow them. (Or any one else if you'll pay the return shipping)

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Location: Baltimore, MD

Re: Relative Humidity

Post by musicman2000 »


I responded to your message, but wasn't sure if it went through. Also sent you an e-mail. Let me know if you get them. I am not sure what is wrong with the messsaging system on this forum, but it says "outbox" and not "sent message."


Re: Relative Humidity

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There's nothing wrong with the KGF messaging system. Your sent messages remain in the Outbox until they are opened by the recipient.

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Re: Relative Humidity

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I open everything that comes - is it possible it was not sent to me properly?

Ed Minch
Ed M

Re: Relative Humidity

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Tom and Ed,
The way the KGF messaging works is that a valid username is required for the PM. Once the body is entered and you hit the Send button, that message goes into the sender's Outbox. When the recipient opens the PM, the message is taken from the sender's outbox and moved to his 'Sent' items. Several things may have occurred; perhaps the recipients inbox contains the max of 50 messages. In that case, the message may not be received until he deletes at least one message in his Inbox. Another scenario is that the Sender has 50 messages in his Sent box, in which case he must delete at least one before another message may be sent. Finally, and least probable, is that the sender or the recipient does not have enough posts to the Forum under his belt and does not yet have access to the PM system.

If this explanation does not fix your issue, please feel free to PM me and I'll help you resolve. OK?

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