Neck Block Too Tall

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Dan Morris
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:16 am

Neck Block Too Tall

Post by Dan Morris »

The neck block for the Martin-style guitar kit I bought is 7/32" taller than the sides at the neck joint. The tail block is fine.

I'm following the instructions in Bill Cory's book - "Building Martin-style Acoustic Guitar Kits". Plus, I have the construction manual from Martin. On pages 18 - 20 of Cory's book, he describes the process for gluing the neck joint and states. - "The neck block should not be cut down at all." However, he also goes on to say that the blocks should be 1/32" proud of the rims, along with the kerfed lining.

Should I leave the neck block "as is", glue it 1/32" proud of the top, and then sand down the excess 6/32" on the back, when I'm fitting the back to the sides?

My concern is that 6/32" excess on the back side of the neck block seems like a lot of sanding that could put stress on where the block is glued to the sides, if I correct the height after gluing.
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Location: Hegins, Pa

Re: Neck Block Too Tall

Post by tippie53 »

there are 2 angles you need to be aware of
1 1/2 on the top 5 on the back. Yes you can rough trim them . keep it about 1/16 in proud on the top and about 5/32 on the back to accommodate the geometry.
sanding won't stress the joint
John Hall
Blues Creek Guitars Inc
Authorized CF Martin Repair Center
president of Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans
Dan Morris
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:16 am

Re: Neck Block Too Tall

Post by Dan Morris »


Thank you for the advice. Based on what you're saying, the neck block is probably good to go. I'd have 2/32" on the top and 5/32" on the back, with the neck block in the kit. I know the back isn't flat based on the guitars that I own and reading Bill Cory's book, but I'm new at this and I just didn't realize that there is that much of a curve to the back.

These are the subtle "gotchas", that I'm trying to avoid.

Thanks again. Dan
Posts: 7027
Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:09 pm
Location: Hegins, Pa

Re: Neck Block Too Tall

Post by tippie53 »

feel free to ask any question you feel you need to. Also use the resource of you tube. Blues Creek Kit section is there and I also have about 80 vids on building on you tube,. We are all here to help
John Hall
Blues Creek Guitars Inc
Authorized CF Martin Repair Center
president of Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans
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