Tribute to Bill Cory

General Information about Building Kit Guitars
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Tribute to Bill Cory

Post by tippie53 »

For those of us that have been visiting here since the beginning , Bill Cory started this forum to help advance the beginning hobbiest luthier. From the early days , Ken Ceip and myself supported Bill in his efforts. While Bill relinquished control of KGF , We cannot forget the the seed was planted and tended by Bill. My hat goes off to Bill for all his hard work. I only hope we do him proud .
We did change the software and servers so that we can have more features to the forum but we never want to forget what Bill did and his vision to help bring builders along and help to improve their skills and have good informative discussions. Thank you Bill , We hope to keep this place friendly , informative and informal . Please accept our thanks for what you did to make KGF what it was and what it will become.
The only changes I hope are in the software , and not in the endeavor . I hope you will enjoy the forum and thanks again for your support. Sean Large was responsible for all the work and he and Bill worked very well together. I hope we will always have Bill's presence here.
Thank you Bill Cory , I am proud to call you a friend
john hall .
John Hall
Blues Creek Guitars Inc
Authorized CF Martin Repair Center
president of Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans
Guitar Hack
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Re: Tribute to Bill Cory

Post by Guitar Hack »

I second that. What a great help this forum has been.

Re: Tribute to Bill Cory

Post by 000lover »

YES, thanks Bill! His forum is what encouraged me to start building! I would have never even attempted to build if it wasn't for his original forum. Thanks for all the time spent answering dumb questions!

Re: Tribute to Bill Cory

Post by rgogo65 »

Everyone here should be thankful for the contribution Bill has made to the success of this great hobby.
Bill had a dream. A desire to make it possible for the average and maybe "Not so average" individual to experience the thrill of actually building a guitar and having the end product turn out to be "The real deal".
And at the same time give those folks a place to share their experiences with each other and thereby passing on information that otherwise would never have been available to the regular "Joe".
To his credit and the benefit of everyone, he made it work!
Not many people get to fulfill their "Dream" I think sometimes even He is surprised at the outcome.
Good Job Bill, I for one will be forever grateful! Bless You!
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