Narrow nut

Stray Feathers
Posts: 704
Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:39 pm
Location: Ladysmith, BC

Re: Narrow nut

Post by Stray Feathers »

I've gone from worrying about a possible faux-pas to discovering that what I'm doing may not be so far from normal. I have two luthier friends who happen to have Gurian guitars, and one went straight away and measured his - 1 5/8" at the nut. He is a bigger man than I, and he says it's "a delight to play". I wonder why it is so hard to find examples of guitars outside the 1 11/16 to 1 3/4 range; I wonder if it is one of those things where, if nobody seems to be doing it, then “it’s just not done”. So I am seizing the opportunity to learn for myself what it's like. I glued the fretboard on yesterday, and did final shaping today, and the nut will be 1 5/8". Onward . . . Bruce W.
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