Gluing the neck on a body

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Gluing the neck on a body

Post by naccoachbob »

A friend of mine just bought a kit to do a uke.The body is made, and the neck is too.
It ain't much as kits go, I guess.
However, she has to glue the neck to the body. There are no bolts, no tenon and mortise, just glue will be holding it together.
Can someone envision a jig or method for gluing this together.
I was thinking of a band clamp, maybe with a caul at the neck to somehow square it up.
Help wanted.
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Re: Gluing the neck on a body

Post by tippie53 »

sounds like a grizzly uke kit. I built 2 of them and the neck held. You can make dowel joint out of it but if you take your time that neck will hole pretty well. My first one I used the glue. I was hired by grizzly to build it at a tent sale . I used a strap clamp and I used grizzlies glue that they had. It is the same as the lmi white. It still is on. the 2nd I drilled a hole and made it a bolt on.
John Hall
Blues Creek Guitars Inc
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Re: Gluing the neck on a body

Post by Tony_in_NYC »

I built one of those Grizzly kits for my son who is three. I only used glue to hold it on and he beats the snot out of it and so far its holding. His only complaint is that I didnt add a side port "just like on daddy's guitar"
Oh..and he cant really say ukulele...he says loo-koo-lay lay, but its cuter that way.
Fun kit to slap together in a day.
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