Appalachian Red Spruce Tops

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Diane Kauffmds
Posts: 3282
Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:13 pm

Appalachian Red Spruce Tops

Post by Diane Kauffmds »

John Rossbach is one of 3 men who discovered old growth red spruce (Adirondack) here in WV. WV PBS made a program about its discovery and the 3 men. He has true quality bookmatched tops, logged here in the higher elevations of the WV Mountains. The wood is responsibility logged with the help of WV Natural Resources, so that they log trees that need to come down, preserving the supply.

These tops are real quality old growth, and have been drying for 10+ years. If you're interested, contact him by email. He also has quality bracewood and WV hardwood back and side sets.
Diane Kauffmann
Country Roads Guitars
Posts: 585
Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:49 pm

Re: Appalachian Red Spruce Tops

Post by phavriluk »

Diane, before I set my head to speculating, any idea of the pricing? I know it's not your place to quote, but if a soundboard or a b/s set is three digits long, I'm out.

peter havriluk
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