
New Members, tell us a bit about yourselves
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Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:18 pm


Post by Metfoo »

Hey everyone, I've been lurking the past few days. I tried registering, but my email domain is my last name, and it also has a cuss word in it. Its pretty common for profanity filters to flag my name and cause issues, and I think this site didn't like my email address, because my original account was never sent an activation email. So, I registered a new username with a new email address and here I am!

I still consider myself a beginner guitarist, despite starting my journey 15+ years ago. Life got in the way of practice, so its been a slow journey. The past year or so has been great for my playing. The more I play, the more I realize how much better some my guitars are over others. I have one acoustic at this point, a GS mini, and I seldom play it due to how crappy it feels compared to my Variax or Fenders.

I've contemplated building a guitar at many points in my life. My boss first had the idea, and over time, it grew on me. The tooling cost was the biggest barrier in my eyes. I've been doing more and more research lately, and decided now is the time. I decided to fund this project by selling some of my gadgets that have been sitting collecting dust. I've been working my way through BIll's books, and hope to purchase a kit in the coming weeks. I'm pretty surely first kit will be the stewmac dreadnaught with a bolt on neck. If that kit turns out well, then I will most likely do a second with some nicer materials.

I look forward to picking your brains in the coming months, and can't wait to start my first build!
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Location: Hegins, Pa

Re: Howdy

Post by tippie53 »

hope we can help you along the way
John Hall
Blues Creek Guitars Inc
Authorized CF Martin Repair Center
president of Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans
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Re: Howdy

Post by Mal-2 »

Metfoo wrote:I tried registering, but my email domain is my last name, and it also has a cuss word in it. Its pretty common for profanity filters to flag my name and cause issues, and I think this site didn't like my email address, because my original account was never sent an activation email.
Ah yes, the dreaded Scunthorpe problem. Good to see you made it despite this!

Also, practicing things like neck leveling and fret leveling and action and all that on your GS mini is probably a good idea. Worst case, you make a poor instrument worse. Best case, you rehabilitate it! Either way, you get to make your rookie mistakes on something other than your new build.
Diane Kauffmds
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Re: Howdy

Post by Diane Kauffmds »

Before I started building, I considered buying a GS Mini as a go anywhere, beater. They hold their value. There's a big difference in the feel of an acoustic VS. electric guitars. I play only acoustic (and not too well). Welcome to the forum. You'll find a lot of help here. I hope you enjoy building.
Diane Kauffmann
Country Roads Guitars
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