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Re: Glue question ... hide and fish glue

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:56 pm
by tippie53
I will send you some

Re: Glue question ... hide and fish glue

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:37 am
by Diane Kauffmds
Thanks John. I'll do some testing with it then post the results.

Re: Glue question ... hide and fish glue

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 3:18 pm
by JLT
Diane Kauffmds wrote:
JLT wrote:I'm chuckling because the one combination you haven't tried is the one that I asked about in the first place: fish glue over hot hide glue, and hot hide glue over fish glue.

So, if you get inspired to do another round of experiments, I'd be most grateful if you'd include that in the line-up.
I didn't forget you. I would have tested it, but I have no hide glue to test. I use Titebond. LOL

When going to through old forum posts, I saw a couple of other questions about glue combos. I decided to test those that I have on hand. Should I ever get any hide glue, I'll test it and let you know.

Yes, this old thread, thought to be dead, dead, dead, now comes lurching out of the grave in search of ... brains? Well, somebody's brain, anyway.

I don't know whether you ever followed up on the experiment with other combinations; you don't seem to have posted the results anywhere.

This came up because, as I noted on another thread, I just had a bridge start to part company with the soundboard after five years; the original glue was fish glue. I scraped off every trace of the old glue and mixed up some hide glue which is sitting in the fridge overnight. I'll re-glue the bridge tomorrow. Since the old glue came off without a complaint, the question of whether hide glue sticks to fish glue is moot at this point, but I'm still curious.

Re: Glue question ... hide and fish glue

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:27 pm
by Diane Kauffmds
I don't have any fish glue to try. But, after this long period of time, I've learned to do as you have done. I completely clean every spec of old glue off, before regluing, no matter which glue I use. I don't take any chances.

However, I use hhg, almost exclusively anymore. Hhg is one glue that I know, where I can use new hhg, and it will stick to existing hhg.

But, it's my policy to remove all old glue.