Need Advice on build #3 & 4

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Re: Need Advice on build #3 & 4

Post by kencierp »

Certainly brace shaving results are very subjective --- all through my build process I tap the sound board holding it on an extreme edge -- simply listening for a ringing sustaining response. If the bracing is too heavy there will be more of a "thud" then a resonant drum tone. I always glue the sound board to the rim first (unlike John Hall) I remove the rim/body from the mold several times during construction without incident. Anyway, after glue up and with that assembly out of the mold I tap the sound board in several places and listen for dead spots --- they are apparent -- I will then shave the bracing near those dead areas. I do not claim to be a tap tone expert and have no special powers, this has worked for me. Also, I do build them light to began.
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