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Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:45 am


Post by Telemaster »

Thanks guys! Very helpful. What grade sandpaper I should use? Are you saying I should put the body together and then sand it? There are some stains on the inside as well. This is in response to my last post "is this normal?" Haha I thought I posted a comment
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Re: Sanding

Post by johnnparchem »

I would wait till the sides were in the mold glued to the end blocks. I would lightly sand the area where I was gluing the blocks with 120 grit paper on a sanding block. Once the sides are together I would clean the insides with a scraper or a sanding with a block 120 paper. I wait for the sides to be glued together and in a mold before I sand them. They just are more stable and easier to work with. I do not sand the outsides until after the top and back are glued on and trimmed. At that time I sand the rims level before I cut the binding channels. To sand it level I mark cross hatches on the sides with a pencil and sand with a block till all the pencil lines are gone. At that point I sure your water marks would be gone as well.
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