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12-string plan or info?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:33 pm
by Morecowbell
Hi Everyone,

As I’m making slow but steady progress on my son’s Dread I have a friend who kids me about building her a 12-string. I’ve looked up 12-string Dreadnought plans but haven’t found anything from familiar sources, so wanted to ask the group – is there a separate plan needed or is it just changes in top bracing and bridge plate – and if so what are they? Or is there a good plan out there?

Many thanks!


Re: 12-string plan or info?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:39 am
by Stray Feathers
Clay, I went through the same process a couple of years back. People on the forum were helpful then, and may chime in again. It seems to be not as critical as you might think. The story of that guitar (including goofs along the way) is here:
It might help you to envision going through the process. My main point is that I decided on a smaller body for this 12 and I am very happy with it. I also modified the bracing pattern and the guitar sounds really good. It won a Best in Show prize in a Fine Crafts show in my town. It is heavy in the peghead, but that is partly the nature of the beast. But if I do another I will lighten the headstock and use the lighter tuners I bought originally, or make it a slot head. One last thought: I have an old Bill Lewis plan for a dreadnought which I have used twice for six-strings, and he also includes information on how to use the plan for a 12-string, and he doesn't change much. Keep us posted on how it goes - Bruce W.

Re: 12-string plan or info?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:07 am
by Morecowbell

Thanks for the reply and link to your build, I find different bracing patterns fascinating so it's fun to see how you approached your top. I too have gone round and round on the peghead design - I'm inclined towards the Rickenbacker type approach but with some tweaks, such as how Sylvan Wells does his 12-string headstock. I like the look of the shorter headstock and it would of course reduce the leverage of the extra tuners, but I'm not sure I like how busy it looks in there - definitely an interesting puzzle!