...at least I didn't hit my head

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...at least I didn't hit my head

Post by nkwak »

Two weeks ago I flew over the handlebars of my bicycle because I was being stupid. That being said, I'm extremely lucky and expect to be healed in time for an organized ride next month.

I had removed both wheels and the cages off the pedals in order to give it a comprehensive cleaning. When I reassembled and lubricated the chain I made the mistake of testing it wearing sandals. Completely stupid on my part. What was worse was that I decided to stand up in the saddle, lean over the handlebars and push down on the front suspension. Before I knew it was flying through the air with my legs tangled between the handlebars and the frame. I instantly knew that I screwed up my right arm.

I put off going to the ER but Xrays showed that I have a radial head fracture on my right arm. That's my dominant arm BTW. The pain is minimal but my mobility is limited and the arm is pretty much useless.

That being said, I'm extremely lucky I didn't hit my head or break my collarbone or even shatter a wrist. The fall happened on my concrete driveway so I don't even have road rash. VERY lucky.

When I landed the head of the radial bone just jackhammered into my humerus and The result is that I am presently unable to fully straighten my arm,though my hand and shoulder are fully functional. The X Ray showed that put a little nick in the head of the bone that allows me to rotate my forearm. It's so small that I didn't need surgery or even a cast, but I need to keep the arm in position nonetheless. The orthopedic surgeon just told me to continue wearing the splint and he'll take another X ray in about a week and a half to see how I'm healing.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure how the bike is doing but the frame and wheels look OK. I'm shopping for a new one to use next year anyway. I'm leaning toward getting a gravel bike; I'm no mountain biker - but nor am I content to downgrade to a recumbant or comfort cycle. I'm keeping the old bike for tinkering purposes over the winter; it needs an overhaul anyway. Hopefully one of my sons can grow into it.

One thing's for sure: we're all going to be elbow and knee pads - and gloves and helmets with flashing lights and ... aw heck,I'm just wrapping us all in bubble wrap and styrofoam beads lol!

Sorry - the injury has impacted my funny bone! ;)
~ Neil
Kevin Sjostrand
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Re: ...at least I didn't hit my head

Post by Kevin Sjostrand »

DAng Neil, that was a bad deal, but you were lucky it wasn't worse for sure.
I don't do bikes anymore.....but I went over the handle bars once when I was young on a 10 speed.....going fast, that was pretty scary but being young I bounced more than broke thank goodness.
Hope you heal quickly and can get back to your guitar build soon.

Diane Kauffmds
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Re: ...at least I didn't hit my head

Post by Diane Kauffmds »

Neil, I hope you heal quickly. That's a scary accident. You are most definitely very lucky.
Diane Kauffmann
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Re: ...at least I didn't hit my head

Post by tippie53 »

we don't bounce like we used to
John Hall
Blues Creek Guitars Inc
Authorized CF Martin Repair Center
president of Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans
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